Friday, May 16, 2008


We left Boston at noon, and started our journey on Interstate 90. It was a pretty easy trip. There was no traffic, not even in Boston. We got into Buffalo around 7pm, in time for dinner. We have driven the NY State Thruway so many times that it's really not that exciting. But I think that it's a beautiful ride if you haven't done it before. Green and rolling hills and picturesque farms and silos.

Buffalo is filled with lilacs. I never remember there being so many lilacs around here, but they are everywhere. Here is one of my mom's lilac bushes:
And here is Mr. Buddy, being silly in the lilac bush:

We had a nice dinner with my mom, including lettuce fresh-picked from her garden! My favorite! Then my mom's best friend Gretchen came over for a little while to chat. It was a nice evening. I wish we could stay longer.

Tomorrow it's on to Cleveland and Chicago. We plan to leave here at 9, meet my grandparents for lunch at around noon, and then be in Chicago for a late dinner. I think we're being a little optimistic with the timing, but that's part of the fun of a road trip.

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