Monday, May 25, 2009

Meet the family

We are back in Boston after a very nice weekend visiting family in Buffalo. It was truly a bummer to have to get in the car and drive away after such a great weekend. The weather was perfect and the company was even better.

Annie got to meet lots of family, including her great-grandma:
...her aunt Alex:

...her crazy uncle Rob:

(She even sort of got to meet her cousin Madeleine, although Madeleine has yet to arrive on an unannounced date!)

She met her great-aunt Dode:
And many other family members. She also got to spend some more time with her two grandmas:

And here's a photo of four generations:

Annie is very lucky. Not many people get to meet their great-grandparents.

I'm sad to be back in Boston. It was so nice eating dinner outside with my mom or hanging out with all of Jim's family. There really is something about living close to family. It is hard to be in Boston without any family at all to fall back on. I miss everyone so much.

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