Sunday, June 7, 2009

A big weekend

We had quite an eventful weekend! I can't believe it's already almost over!

On Saturday morning, our niece Madeleine was born. She is only about a half pound lighter than Annie is now. In the photos, she looks about as big as Annie. She is in good health and I believe both mom and baby will be discharged tomorrow. I'm excited to meet her in a couple of weeks! I hope that she and Annie will be good friends for their whole lives. They're only 7 weeks apart.

Then we left for Burlington, Vermont to attend a birthday party for our friend Dave. Annie did very well in the car. We had to feed her once while we were on the road. The party was nice. Then, Annie only woke up once in the night, for the usual 2am feeding. On most recent nights, we've been able to do feedings at 10pm, 2am and 6am and that means we only have to get up once in the middle of the night. Pretty nice.

We got back home around 5pm this afternoon. Jim's out cutting the grass and then we're going to have dinner. We're both pretty exhausted.

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